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JUNE 2021

We celebrated a special birthday this month - Maia turned 21 and we had a fun day of celebrations at the pharmacy. We absolutely love the goods at Sixes and Sevens on Taranaki Street so we treated Maia to a feast. Their lamingtons are particularly good along with their filled doughnuts.

At 21 there is so much hope and positivity for what lies ahead. Maia has her studies as a pharmacy technican and who knows what her career path will bring. Pharmacy is always changing. When I was 21, Pharmacies were not doing vaccinations. Now for some people the pharmacy is the first port of call for flu shots! Change is not always easy though. The pharmacy sector has been shaken with the arrival of the Australian discounters which has been trying to woo NZers.  Some pharmacies in NZ have been unable to compete and as a result have closed. This is deeply upsetting to me.

I do believe professional care and the community should be a pharmacists' main priority. At Alexander, our aim is to be at the hub our the community. We always give one to one tailored health advice and love building relationships. I hope this the the directions that the pharmacy industry aims towards going as opposed to cheap cheaper cheapest.

The winter has been unkind to us and we all desperately need that Vitamin D. Let's hope we see more sunlight in July and August!!!! 



Alexander Pharmacy

We offer a wide range of products and our well trained, experienced staff can advise you on a number of health related issues. Our accredited pharmacists can offer effective treatment in various areas, including: Urinary tract infections, emergency contraception, minor eye infections, skin conditions, erectile dysfunction, over the counter medicines and first aid and many more.