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April 2019

The year has whizzed by at Alexander Pharmacy. Sarah, our pharmacist who has spent some time travelling has returned with many good memories and adventures. Sadly, this meant the sad departure of her supporting act; Pharmacist Andrew Irvine. Andrew leaves us to travel and to also start an adventure in the UK. 

You might have remember that we started our eco-friendly focus in 2016. We stopped the use of plastic bags in 2018 and from there have been rethinking our carbon footprint. Our efforts and initiatives have truly taken off and have been even by captured by the media. Check out our nationwide coverage of our efforts here:

We are so happy that the coverage has inspired our patients (and patients nationwide) to be more consious of their waste - so many bottles have been returned for personal reuse. Each little bit counts! 

April began the start of our flu shot campaign. Our experienced Pharmacists Angela and Sarah will again be available to vaccinate patients which provides protection against the flu. They really enjoy this aspect of healthcare as it is very patient focussed - many of the local businesses have been popping in for their shot and it has been great to build relationships with our local community. 



Alexander Pharmacy

We offer a wide range of products and our well trained, experienced staff can advise you on a number of health related issues. Our accredited pharmacists can offer effective treatment in various areas, including: Urinary tract infections, emergency contraception, minor eye infections, skin conditions, erectile dysfunction, over the counter medicines and first aid and many more.